Tuesday 31 May 2011

Praying keeps you humble...

Something happened in the past week that put me in a position where I needed a lot of grace and mercy.  Surprisingly, people I didn't know personally extended grace and mercy.  People I didn't expect it from, extended grace and mercy.

And then there were the pharisees of modern time.  Those I expected grace and mercy from, but all I got was a judgmental finger.  Those that sit in high places, supposed to set the example, but failed miserably.  It made me think.

In the gospels, Jesus is talking to His disciples and He says these words: 'those that have been forgiven much, will love much'.  How true.  I am so aware of how much Jesus has forgiven me.  I am so aware of how much I need Him every day of my life just to keep standing,  I am so aware of how much He loves me, the wretched sinner.  The natural outflow of this is me showing grace to others along the way.

Praying will keep you humble.  When you spent time in the presence of Almighty God, you will realise how little you have to proud of, if any.  You will be humbled by His holiness and your own imperfection.  You will be filled with His love so that you can extend a hand along life's way, to pick up someone who has fallen without pointing a judgmental finger.  You will pray for people who needs grace and mercy rather than sit and gossip about them in a self righteous manner.  When you really spend time with God, you cannot come out the same way your went in.  Your heart will be changed and it will show in the way you treat other people.

We have been given so much grace and mercy, let's pay it forward.  People desperately need it.  There are enough self appointed judges in this world.  Those that are willing to show grace and mercy are sadly outnumbered.

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