Monday 11 April 2011


Faith is a gift.  Go read it in 1 Corinthians 12:9.

Although we are all as Christians expected to have faith, some have more than others.  Some people can believe like a child; if you promise a child something, the child will believe blindly that he will receive whatever you promised.  And the child will remind you of your promise frequently.  Maybe that is why God said we should become like little children.

My daughter has the gift of faith.  Time and again I stand amazed at her faith.  There has been many times that I doubted that whatever she prayed for will happen.  And I was always the one with the red face being reminded that our God is faithful!

She was on a hockey tour a week ago.  On the way back, the bus driver wanted to buy himself some food and proceeded to withdraw some money at the Ultra City where they stopped for a leg stretch.  The ATM swallowed his card.  Between him, the couch who felt somewhat responsible and the manager of the facility, there was a scramble to get hold of the people responsible for servicing the ATM.

The children in the bus got impatient.  They were homesick.  Rude remarks were made amidst lots of cursing and swearing.  Tragic that girls would behave like that, I know.  My daughter stood up for what she believes in.  She told the girls to behave and got out the bus.  Praying all the way, she walked over to the ATM.  She laid hands on it, rebuked it, and demanded the card back in the name of Jesus.

The card came out.  The adults were shocked.  The bus driver couldn't believe what had just happened.  Her response?  My God is an awesome God, didn't you know?

Faith like a child.  That is what we need again.  What are you trusting God for?  When last did you remind Him of the promises in His Word?  Do you know all the promises He made in His word?  Do you still believe in miracles?

Come on... stir up some faith in your heart!  You can have whatever you ask in His Name!  Believe and you shall receive!  He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than what you ask for or can imagine.  Don't believe me?  Go read Ephesians 3:20...

1 comment:

  1. You should be very proud of daughter Hilda, it takes a very strong somebody to do what she did.

    Faith to me is probably one of the most difficult things to have and to hold on to. You have to fully put your faith into the Lords hands and believe that it will be well. My faith has been challenged so many times and all I can say is that it is not easy but God is awesome and is always faithful. The journey to my faith began when my daughter turned 5 years old and for a unknown reason started having epileptic seizures. That stage of our lives was beyond belief because why her , why our family? I struggled to come to terms that she was an Epileptic and did not think that I could get through it. She had a very serious seizure we had to rush her to hospital because she was not coming out of it. Whilst in the emergency room there was a young man who was wheeled in because he had hurt himself during indoor soccer game and he was in alot of pain. The next best thing all his friends surrounded his bed , held hands and started praying. I was so taken back and started weeping uncontrollably. We were sent to the ward for the night as they needed to observe her. Just then my husband and I sat with this blank look on our faces and just stared at one another knowing how concerned we both were for our daughters well being. At that moment a young lady and her husband entered the ward and said that they saw us in the emergency room and they were with the injured young man. They claimed that they had a burden to pray for our daughter and for us. I was a little taken back and again started weeping. I thought "Lord is this your way of letting me know that you are listening to our prayers?"

    They asked if they could lay hands on our daughter and pray for her. We agreed and started praying with them as best we knew how to. For a moment it felt like a mountain had lifted off my shoulders and as time went by as the devil would have it I kept on having doubts that the seizures would return. She did have a few more seizure over the next few days and I was so angry with the LORD. But learnt that things do not happened in our time but when in God's timing. It was tough seriously tough. I with time and faith learnt that if anyone asked how my daughter was doing I answered them and said she is perfect and healthy. People would look at me like what the heck is this women's problem, yesterday she ran out of the office to get to the hospital and today she say's her daughter is perfectly healthy.

    Kaylin has been seizure free for 5 years now and only thanks to our AWESOME GOD. I undoubtedly know one thing, if I did not have prayer and faith I would have not survived. Now my daughter is still on anti convulsion medication but I wake up every morning and thank God that my children are healthy, nothing missing and nothing broken in Jesus Name and cover my family by the Blood of Jesus. Although it is still challenging at times I just have to have faith and pray because without it I would not cope.

    I don't think faith is something that just happens, you have to build your faith up baby steps at a time.


