Tuesday 21 June 2011

Who are we?

I heard a fantastic sermon on Sunday.  I am still pondering on all the things the guest speaker said.  It was too much to absorb in just one sermon.  Actually, I think God is busy stirring my heart, nudging me to a higher spiritual level.

Who are we really?  Oh it's easy to say that we are Christians, forgiven by grace and that we will inherit eternal life.  It's easy to believe that too.  Why?  Because we don't have to do anything.  Jesus did it all.  So yes, we believe all of that.  But there is more.  The same Bible that states all of the things we believe so easily, also states that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God.  You believe that too don't you?  I do!  So why are we not acting the role?  We have been given authority to do the same miracles AND MORE than what Jesus did - He said so Himself.  So why don't we believe it?  Why don't we do it?  Why don't we live with the attitude of a son or daughter of the Most High God?

We have been programmed by the world to only believe certain things in the Bible, not all of it.  We believe in miracles yes, but only if other people pray for them.  We don't want to trust God ourselves.  We think it's reserved for some famous American preacher.  Hogwash.  This incorrect attitude comes through in how we speak too.  If someone asks how we are, we give horrible answers like "poor but alive".  And we laugh as if it's funny.  No wonder we are poor!  Spiritually and physically!  We confess it daily!

As of today, I am changing my attitude towards life.  I am a daughter of the King.  I am a daughter of the Most High God.  I will respond to the question of how I am like my mentor responds:

I am highly favoured and abundantly blessed!

Join me.  Start confessing God's favour and blessing upon your life.  Start acting like the son or the daughter you are.  Pray that God will show us through Holy Spirit what we are, and what He wants us to do.  Let's live with boldness!

We are highly favoured and abundantly blessed!

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