Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A new harbour

I heard a teaching many years ago and it came to my mind again today.  How will you know which door that is open for you now, is the one you should enter?  Some people have difficulty understanding the concept of waiting on God for guidance.  If that is you, this teaching will be useful.

There was a harbour that was very dangerous to enter.  Many ships ran aground because they entered the harbour from the wrong angle.  After a lot of investigation and planning, an engineer came up with a brilliant idea.  Four high and strong lights were put on carefully chosen places on the shoreline.  Captains were told that they should see all four lights lined up before they can attempt to enter the harbour.  If all the lights were lined up, they would enter from the correct angle and it would be safe.

We are Christians should do the same.  There are four things that must be lined up before we can enter a new harbour.

1.     What you want to do must be in line with God's word.  In other words, what you want to do must not be illegal or sinful.  Don't try to justify something that you know will be wrong.  God will never lead you into temptation.
2.     You must have peace about it.  If you have the slightest feeling of unrest or hesitation - you can't see this light.  Don't do it.  The Bible speaks about the peace that surpasses all understanding - that is what you need.  Complete peace.  Don’t confuse this with peace around you – that might not be there.  In fact, you will most likely in the middle of a huge storm in your life when there is change taking place – that’s okay.  As long as you have peace about your new venture inside you.
3.     Everything must fall into place.  If you need to intervene somehow, it's not right.  You should not have to convince people or manipulate a situation in order to get what you want.  If it is in God's will, He will make it all happen.
4.     It must be confirmed.  God will confirm His plans to you through word from other people, scriptures He gives you, dreams, visions etc.  The Bible also says that a word will be confirmed through the mouths of two or three witnesses.

As a last resort, read the story of Gideon.  He needed confirmation from God and he got it.  The easiest way is to ask God to close the door is the opportunity is not from Him.  If the door slams in your face, be thankful.  Don't try to kick it down! 

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