Friday, 25 November 2011

An attitude of gratitude

When last have you counted your blessings?  I mean really think about all the things in your life for which you can be thankful.

Did you notice the funeral procession on your way to the shops?  It could have been you.
Did you notice the person in the wheelchair, unable to move?  It could have been you.
Did you notice the old lady in hospital - all alone, no visitors?  It could have been you.
Did you notice the lady with no hair after her chemotherapy?  It could have been you.

There are people all around us with burdens much heavier than ours.  Yet we rather complain instead of being thankful for what we have.

Let's count our blessings today.  Write them down.  One by one.  Thank God for each one of them.  I guarantee that your problems will seem a lot smaller afterwards.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Technological breakdown

That is what happened to me this week! First my laptop got formatted. Then my iphone got bricked. Voila! My technological social life was gone in a flash!

No photos left. I know. I know. I should have downloaded them long ago AND made a backup.

No contacts. No social news at linkedin, blogger and twitter. No emails. Could not read the news! It was devastating!

It made me realise how technology dependant we have become. We freak out when there is no signal. We can't leave a phone, slate or pc for an hour without checking for mail, tweets, blogs, updates etc.

And we are all guilty. I dare to say the facebook club is the worst.

Imagine the world if we were that dependant on time with God. What if our obsession was with the Bible instead of technology?

Food for thought.

Friday, 11 November 2011

It is 'that' time of the year again...

November.  Everybody is tired.  Everybody is irritated.  Patience is something last seen in September.  The every day news is a cause of depression.  The constant commercial drone in the malls is sickening.  Christmas has become so commercialised that there is little meaning left.  The rat race is becoming faster as the end of the year draws near.  We are all so desperately tired.  Not even a 8-hour sleep can provide some energy.

I stood on the balcony this morning with my coffee and looked down at the endless stream of cars.  This is not the life God intended us to have.  We have so little peace and quiet left.  So little time to sit at God's feet in silence.

In desperation my spirit cried out to God this morning.  Maranatha!  Come Jesus, come!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Failing Forward

Failing at something is not easy do deal with.  Somewhere in life, each of us will end up feeling worthless as a result of failing at something.  Failing could be anything.
Failing an exam
A relationship that is in trouble
Falling into sin again
Not reaching the goals you planned so well
Losing a job
A business that has to close its doors
And so the list goes on.

Whatever it is, is will leave you feeling as if it's just not worth getting up and trying again. 

Remember: failing doesn't make you a failure!  Read it again!  Failing doesn't make you a failure!

Failing is human.  We all fail.  As babies, we learn to crawl through repeated failures.  We learn to walk through falling down hundreds of times a day.  Why don't we stop trying as babies?  Simply because our minds are not developed enough to comprehend failure.  As adults, we over analyse everything and beat ourselves up for failing at something.

Get up and try again.  Success is closest when the pressure is the most.  Failing at something will only result in failure if you don't try again and if you don't learn from it.

Let's start failing forward!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


I remember when the first GPS devices hit the South African market, I wasn't impressed.  I didn't trust this little black box on the dashboard telling me where to go.  In 2008 I had to go to Sun City for a dance competition and I have never been there before.  Okay, enjoy your giggle about that one.  So I borrowed a GPS from a friend.  I was very worried all the way but when I reached my destination, I was a GPS fan!  Amazing!

I never got around to buy one though.  Until last week when I saw the Tom Tom app for iPhone.  Needless to say, I immediately bought the app.  Now I have a GPS on my iPhone.  Cool!

It wonderful to know this little thing will get me out of a place if I lose direction.

God's word is the same.  David says in Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Wonderful isn't it?  When we don't know what to do, God knows.  When we lose direction, His GPS is there for us.  When we are non consolable, He will dry our tears.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  Keep God's GPS handy - use it daily.  It will keep you on track!

Saturday, 5 November 2011


You can now find me on twitter!

Join me!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Whose way?

I love Andre Rieu.  Last night my husband and I sat down to relax with one of his DVDs.  One of the songs performed was "My Way" from Frank Sinatra.  "Old Blue Eyes" as he was affectionately known.  For the first time in my life (and I have watched that DVD many times), the words of the song struck me as odd.  Don't get me wrong - it's beautiful.  But somehow last night, the words spoke to me in a different way.

Here are the lyrics:

And now, the end is near, 
And so I face the final curtain. 
My friends, I'll say it clear; 
I'll state my case of which I'm certain. 
I've lived a life that's full - 
I've travelled each and every highway. 
And more, much more than this, 
I did it my way. 
Regrets? I've had a few, 
But then again, too few to mention. 
I did what I had to do 
And saw it through without exemption. 
I planned each charted course - 
Each careful step along the byway, 
And more, much more than this, 
I did it my way. 
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew, 
When I bit off more than I could chew, 
But through it all, when there was doubt, 
I ate it up and spit it out. 
I faced it all and I stood tall 
And did it my way. 
I've loved, I've laughed and cried, 
I've had my fill - my share of losing. 
But now, as tears subside, 
I find it all so amusing. 
To think I did all that, 
And may I say, not in a shy way - 
Oh no. Oh no, not me. 
I did it my way. 
For what is a man? What has he got? 
If not himself - Then he has naught. 
To say the things he truly feels 
And not the words of one who kneels. 
The record shows I took the blows 
And did it my way. 
Yes, it was my way.

Which way are you living today?  Your way or God's way?  May we not miss heaven just because we insisted on doing everything our way.  May we heed God's word and start living His way!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

God does not make sense today

Last week I wrote about the times when God doesn't make sense. Today I am feeling like that. As humans we get angry when God doesn't answer our prayers. It so human to shake a fist in the air with a desperate cry of "God how could You?"

David was in the same boat many times. In the Psalms you will read how he first is upset with God, even fighting with God! At the end of the Psalm he lays back and confirms his dependance on God and God's faithfullness. Read Psalm 13 for an example.

Last night we lost our pet mongoose. He was a child in the house and this morning I was shaking my fist at God. Only to collapse a little later, emotionally exhausted, ready to be comforted by my Father.

No I don't understand why and I probably never will. God doesn't make sense today but I know He loves me. Like He said to Paul, His grace is enough for me.